Current News
Here you will find selected information about our current work:
Currently we organizing and implementing several campaigns and projects which lead to improve the current international nature and environmental situation in a timely and sustainable manner. The focus here is on those countries in Southeast Asia that are currently considered to be the focus of current global environmental problems.
The aim is, among other things, that e.g. something like this will soon be a thing of the past.
The implementation of these campaigns and projects will depend on the financial resources available, with a focus on the implementation of our projects AP-01, AP-02 and AP-06.
Current information about our current work (excerpts) can be found on our Facebook page.
Under the name International Environmental Weeks Southeast Asia, we are currently organizing several actions that will help ensure that the current international nature and environmental situation is improved in a timely and sustainable manner, especially in those countries that are currently considered the focus of current global environmental problems.
The aim is, among other things, that e.g. something like this will soon be a thing of the past.
The implementation of the corresponding actions takes place in cooperation with several other international project groups.
One focus here is on the realization of our projects AP-01, AP-02 and AP-06.
Further information is available upon request.
We hope that we will soon be able to collect the financial resources necessary to implement the actions.
We are grateful for any appropriate support.
New research results have been published on the current (catastrophic) international natural and environmental situation – and on the consequences that will inevitably result for humanity from this situation if practical measures are not taken immediately that will promptly improve this current situation to lead.
We have included this updated information in the description of our project AP06.
We have also updated several details of the project description.
See here.
The French kayak adventurer, nature lover and conservationist Guillaume Bonastre asked us to refer to the article published on his website about the current international (plastic) waste situation.
We consider this article to be very successful – and are happy to comply with Guillaume’s request:
The descriptions for the A-Projects AP-01 and AP-02 have been updated.
The AP-06 project has been newly added.
All changes/supplements to the current A-Projects see here.
(Short version)
In view of current research results, which already identify the current international (plastic-) waste situation as “life-threatening”, we have submitted concrete proposals to the UN that are aimed at changing this current natural and environmental situation in the near future.
For details on the research results and the proposals submitted, see here.
(Short version)
We have temporarily suspended activities for the IAAPT.
Mr. Dr. Forrest does not respond to inquiries about the status of his project – nor does it respond to any other inquiries.
Reason unknown.
We think it’s not enough to just sit in front of a television camera and present your concept ideas – without then making it very clear that you are definitely interested in presenting these ideas with the necessary energy and to the necessary extent to implement practically.
We founded the IAAPT (International Alliance Against Plastic Trash).
The reason:
The australian businessman and philanthropist Dr. Andrew Forrest has a vision. He wants to change the serious current international plastic waste situation in a radical way – worldwide – with a simple method.
The way to this goal is essentially to raise the value of the plastic waste generated internationally – in order to make plastic waste economically more interesting for the processing industry.
He presents his entire concept in an easily understandable way in a TV interview, which is available under the following link:
We believe that this way from Mr. Dr. Forrest is very good, unique and practicable of eliminating the current serious international plastic waste problem – and have therefore decided to support this project of Mr. Dr. Forrest by creating the IAAPT.
Further information on request.
We founded the IAFPT (International Alliance Fight Plastic Trash).
As an ‘umbrella organization’, the IAFPT should be available to those project groups, organizations, etc. that are currently already actively implementing practical measures aimed at sustainable change in the current serious international plastic waste situation.
The main purpose of the IAFPT is to establish permanent contacts at the international level with those responsible in politics and business (or to further develop existing contacts) – to enable the members of the ‘umbrella organization’ to do their important work to improve the current To be able to further expand the international nature and environmental situation (in particular through financial and logistical support from politics and business).
Membership in the IAFPT is free and voluntary. Membership requires the application of the respective organization and the corresponding approval from the IAFPT.
Further information on request.
Our project “The Ocean – Water no (Plastic-) Trash” has started.
The object of the project is the (further) sensitize the population to questions of nature and environmental protection, in particular to the (plastic-) waste problem in bodies of water and on land areas close to bodies of water – in connection with beach cleanups.
Regional assignment:
Southeast Asia, starting in Thailand (as a pilot project)
The following impressions are from the 1st day.
(The text from the notice can be found here: in English — in Thai)
We wrote to the Thai royal house, the Thai government and several individual Thai government agencies and asked for support in the implementation of pilot projects in Southeast Asia, starting in Thailand.
Our new Southeast Asia office has opened.
185/182 Ananda Lake View, Don Jom Tao Road, Thep Kasattri, Thalang, Phuket, 83110, Thailand
Tel .: +66 99 3235000 (Mailbox)
Important NOTE:
Due to the current international corona situation, appointments in the office are only possible by prior arrangement.
Please send corresponding inquiries exclusively by e-mail to:
Thank you for your understanding.